Public relation (PR) with regard to gaining editorial in publications is perhaps the least understood, most overlooked and most important promotional tool for your business.

Most of the business executives have the misinterpretation about PR as a free advertising. This could not be farther from the truth. It’s neither is advertising nor is free.

As a matter of fact, it may be very costly, depending upon how it is used, because it’s a time consuming and labour intensive process. Still, while it almost is cliche; today, PR may make the claim that it’ll give your business the best return for its marketing budget. Even there are other options available but, PR can actually get you where you want to be.

Here are some vital points of how PR is the most important promotional tool for your business –

  • PR works through intermediaries

Due to it being compared to advertising, PR is maybe the least understood of all marketing tools. The basis of PR includes acting as an agent to communicate with your audience and influence them.

These intermediaries may be industry spokespersons, stock analysts, investors, trendsetters, industry analysts, customers, employees, and even the electronic and print media. Typically your business has very little control over those influencers, or intermediaries, which will make public relations so difficult.

  • PR is not free advertising

As mentioned above, many of us have the misinterpretation that PR is free advertising. But, in reality, it is a time consuming and labour intensive effort. It focuses on what is newsworthy for your business and helps it to look more influential.

  • PR builds up credibility

Public relation simply boosts the organisation’s credibility and convert your business into a brand. It operates through numerous diverse links and communicates with the audience for a better outcome.

A strong public relations program is a must, especially during hard economic times when funds for advertising or direct mail are limited. It enlarges your wisdom through minimum use of funding.

  • PR form a rapport with journalist

For any organisation, it’s like a dream to maintain a strong relationship with various journalists around the world. Building relationships take time. PR is your route to create a rapport with media professionals. To have a quick response from journalists, offer them timely and personalized information and don’t over pester them with follow-ups and you’ll be on the right track.

In a nutshell, everything we do or say is public relations. Hence, remember one thing that is some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers.